Massage Therapy Services in Douglas County, Nebraska …
On Monday, May 4, 2020 the State allowed the practice of Massage Therapy services to resume in Douglas County, Nebraska. Current Directed Health Measure (DHM) regulations require a DHHS licensed establishment to limit the number of clients in a facility to 10 at any one time and social distancing must be maintained between clients. DHM regulations require that both therapists and clients wear face masks during therapy. Source: Governor Pete Ricketts
Omaha Blue Waves DHM Compliance Procedures ….
In order to insure compliance with State DHM Directives, the exterior entrance to the facility will remain locked from the outside (exits are push paddle compliant) during business hours. Clients will be let in and directed to a therapy room by the treating therapist. We can not allow clients or guests to remain in the waiting room at any time during these restrictions. We ask that clients bring a personal face mask with them to their session, however; if a client does not have a mask one will be provided. We thank you for your patience as we navigate these mandated directives.
During this difficult time….
Emergency measures are effecting a number of different types of small business throughout the metro including restaurants, bars, massage therapy, estheticians, hair stylists, and other so many others. Please continue to support your local businesses to make it through this crisis by understanding businesses must comply with state restrictions, and supporting them to the best of your ability.
Thank you,
Jeff Helaney, BS, D.Sc., CFT, LMT
Omaha Blue Waves Massage, Bodywork, and Education Center